Thursday, March 11, 2010

Social Networking- A.K.A Bebo,Facebook etc Waste of Time

Facebook Logo
It all kicked of about 5 years ago when everyone started joining Bebo or whatever you call it. "Send me your love" and all that. Its all just a waste of time if ya ask me. Can't understand it really. If I wanna watch videos ill go on youtube, if i wanna talk to someone then ill txt or call them. USING A PHONE!! If i wanna send the love, well thats private.
I spend to much time in bed to be wasting it on Facebook. Im stickin to my guns on this one. I've never joined Facebook or Bebo. Im a Virgo and were stubborn. Blogger is as far as im going with this social networking schtuff and to be quite honest im not happy about being on it. The only reason im on it is for Colin Cooney's enjoyment. Like whats up with that farm thingy. Don't act like ya dont know it. Oh i got a cow today. BIG DEAL!!
Im probabely the only "loser" in the country at this point who hasn't got a Facebook account. Me and Bebo Cop! He must have had a bad experience with Facebook before. Maybe he got hit in the Face with a book and now he's scared for life and freaks out when he see's a student logged on.BeBo Logo
What ever happened to the traditional methods of staying in touch. A well written letter, a quick text, a phone call to see if theres any craic! or my favourite the carrier pidgeon. Just scribble a quick message down on a piece of paper and tie it to the little guys leg and off he flys. Now thats communication! What would happen if the paper smelled like bird food. Would he eat his leg? Or do ya think he stops and reads the message? Thats just rude!
I've gone off topic sorry. So in summary, I hate social networking, Call me old fashioned!!