Friday, April 30, 2010

Sleep - My Only Weakness

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! Thats what I'm usually doing. Catching a few z's. I can't help it sometimes. I just love to hit the mattress for hours on end. People say you need a good 8 hours rest. I say, make it 12.
This year i've found it hard to get motivated for college and his wasn't helped by the fact that my bed is ridiculously comfy. Ok it might be noisy but she's a beauty. I set my alarm every night for no reason! It goes of about 4 times and i press the snooze button everytime. The snooze button is possibly the best invention EVER! I love waking up and hearing everyone in the house getting ready for college like fools. Then i just snuggle into my pillow some more. Keep telling myself i'll get up in 15 minutes but it never happens. Before you know it, its 2 o clock in the day and classes are over.
But even more than a good nights sleep is NAP. You can't beat good old fashioned NAP. I tell ya babies have the good life. They NAP all the time. Babies and the Spanish. Did you know that in Spain they have siesta's. How sweet is that and rather cheeky might i add. They have a country wide acceptance of the NAP. I think i'll retire there. GENIUS'S!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Mobile Commerce in The Hospitality Industry

Wireless Technology
The Internet was seen as the best thing since sliced bread up until recently when it got a bit better with the introduction of Wireless Technology. Wireless Technology changed the way businesses accessed the web in a number of ways. However how people access the internet is just one of the changes Mobile Commerce has experienced lately. With the introduction of Wireless it presents many new opportunities for business in all industries. Consider the Hospitality Industry,

Mobile Commerce allows Hotels for example to offer an extra service to its guests in the form of access to the internet not only in their room but also in the comfortable Bar or Restaurant. In the past in order to offer such a service the hotel would have to install miles of cables throughout the building which can prove to be costly.

Also with Wireless it means faster access to the internet which can be beneficial to areas such as reception at check out. Guests are not required to wait as long. Also with bar tills, Wireless means faster service and perhaps a Touch Screen Device for easier use.
Wi-Fi Technology now means that computing is happening all around us all the time. With more and more Wi-Fi enabled devices entering the market we are becoming dangerously dependant on technology. Consider a hotel with a large amount of Wi-Fi devices for guest use.
  • Touch Screen Self Check in/Check out
  • Hand Held PDA to order room service
  • Wireless Payment System-Micros
  • Wireless in room Entertainment

Being so dependant on technology, if there was a power cut it would be a serious crisis as all systems would fail. M-Commerce is welcomed in the Hospitality Industry but it must not forget the traditional ways of service. Face to Face with the guest and the personal touch are key. M- Commerce may make these dissappear.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Moustaches - A Shrine to Tom Selleck

A random topic maybe but hopefully a good read for my fellow bloggers.

Inspiration for this blog came from my housemates love interest and his desire to sport a rather fine moustache. You see the moustache is a rare choice of facial hair style for young gentlemen in the age group of 18-25. To be quite honest i disagree that a moustache suited this particular gentlemen but everyman to himself. I hope he continues to rock it with style. I became fixated on the "hairy bugger". I'd never seen one in this style before. It was black and thinly cut. Almost as though he didn't know it was there. Whenever i see him I'm like a deer caught in the headlights. Reminds me of the old days of Magnum P.I and the GOD of the Moustache, Tom Selleck. Now thats a Moustache. It would just be rude of me to discuss Moustaches without paying my respects to the Man behind the MO.
Tom SelleckMaybe it's because i have bad memories from back in the day when my dad used to sport a fine stache, but I'm just not comfortable with the little guys. It takes nostril hair to a new level. But I still can't help but look. It's like driving by a car crash, you know you shouldn't stare but you do anyway.

There are many styles of tash you see.

Moustache Styles

Who would have thought they had names. I think this year I'm going to take part in something i've always been to afraid to take part in. This November I'm going to take part in the charity event "Movember". Its a charity in aid of cancer that encourages men to get sponsorship for sporting a Moustache for the month. It might take some time but i think i can grow one. I'll make my dad proud and more importantly Mr. Selleck.

Check out the Link to see a Top Ten list of important people in history who have all sported a Moustache.
Link to TOP TEN

Web Standards

World Wide Web Consortium
We Standards are designed to make the use of the World Wide Web universal. Since the invention of the Web by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the World Wide Web Consortium of been trying to achieve universality for users all over the world. According to Handicap International there are 600 million disabled people in the world, about 10% of the world population.

Nowadays it is a legal requirement that businesses conform to the new Web Standards in various areas such as
  • Web Design and Applications
  • Web Services
  • Web Devices

W3C incorporates the Mobile Web Initiative as there is a growing need for people to access the Web "on the go".

The Mobile Web tackles the important issue of accessability. An accessable site can be defined as "a site accessable to all with an emphasis on access to the disabled"

To find out how to tackle the other barriers to accessability such as:

  • Visual
  • Audio
  • Old Technologies

Visit the Link Below

Link to Web Standards

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My Experience at D.K.I.T

Dundalk I.TIts coming to an end in Dundalk I.T and although its been fun, i can't wait to get out of here. College was a great experience and I suppose I'm lucky to have had the opportunity to go but I'm not a huge fan of the town if I'm honest. Lets just say me and the town of Dundalk never really "clicked".

Dundalk, it's me . . . . . not you!

If you ask me though, the best thing to come out of Dundalk was the road to Dublin!!!

But that's enough bad mouthing this little town. The location wasn't the only bad point of my 4 years here. Other bad points include:
  • Being Seriously Broke!
  • Group Presentations
  • Getting the Bus to Drogheda
  • Being Seriously Broke!
  • Presentations

I'm, starting to sound grumpy now so i have to talk about the good points I suppose. My last year was probably my favorite year. Thats because I decided to move out of my house and into the only house in Rockfield Manor-No.58!!

Yes ladies that's right! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I got to share a room with Emmet Casey!!

I'll always remember the good times:

1st Year nerves
Sociables in the bar.
Being introduced to Captain Morgan and his mates Coke and Lime.
The occasional night out with all the housemates. Even though I hate Silence Night Club.
The banter with the girls and craic with the lads.
The feeling of finally getting an assignment done.
Dressing up as a Teddy Bear and charging for hugs.
The shock of sitting down in class and realizing you've just walked into an exam.
The ridiculous amount of girls!
The over supply of Guys!
Being locked into a house and climbing out the window.
Falling asleep in my MUG!
Dressing in drag.
Melissa Heeney.(Mammy)
Getting hassle from Bebo Cop.

Link to

Video on D.K.I.T

Technology Fast

So Mr.Cooney has challenged the class to a Technology Fast! Well congratulations to everyone who is giving it a go! or who has completed it successfully. Really though, you did a really good job! Me personally, I didn't take part because to be honest with you i don't think I rely on my phone that much or the internet for that matter. OK! I text everyday but i could stop no problem if I wanted. There have been days when my battery goes dead and i feel fine without my phone . I don't run around complaining that "I feel naked without it" or act as if I'm someone important and my life has to stop because of a phone. I think were all a bit too reliant on Technology these days!

For Example; My mam got stuck in Tunisia because of the dust from the volcano eruption in Iceland and in the same few days she was gone the microwave broke!! I was on a Food Fast!!, never mind a Technology Fast!!

Evolution of Technology
As for the Technology Fast! I think it was a good effort by Mr.Cooney but as for certain members of the class such as Jemma and Denise I don't think they really tried to hard and they want to just feel like there being good and neglecting there phone, when really there not. For example: Jemma it isn't a Technology Fast if you have your phone in your hand 6 hours of the day or you wake up feeling good about yourself for not using your phone between the hours of 12 and 7 in the morning. After all it is pretty hard to text or make a phone call when your unconscious. And as for Denise i thought her i-phone was an extension of her arm! But i do have to acknowledge the fine efforts of one Melissa Heeney. 1 Hour on her phone. Now that's a Fast!
I think everyone needs to take a page out of my book and relax with all this Technology. Like I'm not addicted to my phone at all.

Oh this is just a picture of me as a baby that my mam found. Thanks Mam!!

Baby Michael Taking A Call

Monday, April 26, 2010

Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing can be defined as a tool that various businesses use via the internet in order to promote there website. Whenever you type a word into a web browser such as GOOGLE or YAHOO the browser then searches for the nearest match for that particular topic using SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION . SEO uses key words or phrases in order to provide a list of best matches to whatever is typed into the search box. While Search Engines provide this list of results it is possible for businesses to tamper with the results provided in order to attract more users to their website. Businesses can increase the number of hits to their website by using Pay Per Click. Pay Per Click is a type of SEM used by businesses to tempt users away from results provided by the Search Engines. Businesses can pay Search Engine Providers such as Google or Yahoo to Rank their business higher.For Example; users familiar with google can on the right of the screen to find Pay Per Click Businesses. Below is a comparison between SEO and Pay Per Click. uuuuh ahhhhh Look at the SHINY SHINY PICTURE!!!


Look at this link for a video on SEO if you cant make any sense of what i just wrote!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

National Assets Management Agency

ConfusedIm the guy in the yellow coat! Well i may aswell be because up until 5 minutes ago i didn't have a clue what NAMA was. Im sick of people talking about it and then a have to nod my head in agreement because im to embarrassed to admit i don't have a clue! So thanks to the wonders of Google i now know enough to at least appear like i know what im saying. So NAMA is a bank from what i understand, but not a very good one. In my opinion banks are supposed to make a profit at some point like any other business. By the looks of things NAMA isn't going to do that. Pretty far from it actually. Apparently banks like AIB, ANGLO IRISH LTD and a bunch of others went a bit lending crazy! Kinda like this guy.
But with Euros!Man Throwing Money Away

So now they've got all these loans that people cant pay because of the World Famous Recession. Its a juicy one. Everyones broke. But no fear NAMA is here! There going to take all the land and property loans so banks can start lending again. They love doing that. Kinda like getting them bad christmas presents.

Like this guy!
Bad Gift

I hope with the help of a couple of pictures that i could help some of you other confused people. Oh and just so ya know. Mr. Taxpayer a.k.a YOU! has to pay the cost of all this mess!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Social Networking- A.K.A Bebo,Facebook etc Waste of Time

Facebook Logo
It all kicked of about 5 years ago when everyone started joining Bebo or whatever you call it. "Send me your love" and all that. Its all just a waste of time if ya ask me. Can't understand it really. If I wanna watch videos ill go on youtube, if i wanna talk to someone then ill txt or call them. USING A PHONE!! If i wanna send the love, well thats private.
I spend to much time in bed to be wasting it on Facebook. Im stickin to my guns on this one. I've never joined Facebook or Bebo. Im a Virgo and were stubborn. Blogger is as far as im going with this social networking schtuff and to be quite honest im not happy about being on it. The only reason im on it is for Colin Cooney's enjoyment. Like whats up with that farm thingy. Don't act like ya dont know it. Oh i got a cow today. BIG DEAL!!
Im probabely the only "loser" in the country at this point who hasn't got a Facebook account. Me and Bebo Cop! He must have had a bad experience with Facebook before. Maybe he got hit in the Face with a book and now he's scared for life and freaks out when he see's a student logged on.BeBo Logo
What ever happened to the traditional methods of staying in touch. A well written letter, a quick text, a phone call to see if theres any craic! or my favourite the carrier pidgeon. Just scribble a quick message down on a piece of paper and tie it to the little guys leg and off he flys. Now thats communication! What would happen if the paper smelled like bird food. Would he eat his leg? Or do ya think he stops and reads the message? Thats just rude!
I've gone off topic sorry. So in summary, I hate social networking, Call me old fashioned!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Art of Spooning-Strictly no Forking!

Classic Spooning
So you've just hopped into bed with your lady friend or man friend for that matter. Finished with all the do the do ya decide to roll over and fall asleep. But stop right there. How u decide to fall asleep could have drastic implications for the relationship. Do you:

  • A- Both face away from each other and go asleep?
  • B- Face each other in that awkward position?
  • C- Both lie flat on your backs staring at the ceiling?

The answer my friends is D. You spoon like you've never spooned before. Like it was going out of fashion!

So what is spooning? If your genuinely asking that question then you deserve a slap!

Definition of Spooning

Spooning is a position in bed but does not imply sex. It is a form of couple cuddle snuggle where you lie on your side and one party snuggles up against the others back- in effect "spooning" or laddeling the other.

So who "Spoons" who?

Some may think it is tradition for the male to spoon the female, however this is not true. While the male usually displays his sub conscious need to protect "his woman" by playing the role of the "big spoon", it is also possible for the female to play this role. Bored with being the little spoon the female is known to "switch it up" from time to time. Men don't be afraid of playing the little spoon. While it took me some time to settle into it I discovered it was most enjoyable.

WARNING!!! Men, spooning is not an invitation for sex!! You are not"in there" when a girl invites you to spoon. Consider it a friendly gesture.

So go on kids! Spoon your lady or friend for that matter but keep it strictly PG.

Let me hear your comments on your spooning adventures.